- Coherent-state path integrals in the continuum: The SU(2) case.
G. Kordas, D. Kalantzis and A. I. Karanikas
Annals of Physics, 372 (2016) 226.
arXiv:1605.06757 -
Emitter and absorber assembly for multiple self-dual operation and directional transparency
P. A. Kalozoumis, C. V. Morfonios, G. Kodaxis, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher,
under review in Phys. Rev. Lett.
arXiv:1609.04211 -
Nonlocal discrete continuity and invariant currents in locally symmetric effective Schrödinger arrays
C. V. Morfonios, P. A. Kalozoumis, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
under review in Phys. Rev. A
arXiv:1607.06577 -
Domain magnetization approach to the isothermal critical exponent
A. -M. Tsopelakou, G. Margazoglou, Y. F. Contoyiannis, P. A. Kalozoumis, F. K. Diakonos, and N. G. Fytas,
under review in Phys. Rev. E
arXiv:1601.06306 -
Generalized continuity equations from two-field Schrödinger Lagrangians
A. G. B. Spourdalakis, G. Pappas, C. V. Morfonios, P. A. Kalozoumis, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review A, 94 (2016) 052122
arXiv:1607.06730 -
Life-times of quantum resonances through the Geometrical Phase Propagator Approach
G. E. Pavlou, A. I. Karanikas, and F. K. Diakonos
Annals of Physics, 375 (2016) 351.
PT-symmetry breaking in photonic waveguides with competing loss-gain pairs
P. A. Kalozoumis, C. Moronios, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review A 93 (2016) 063831 -
Invariant current approach to wave propagation in locally symmetric structures
V. E. Zambetakis, M. K. Diakonou, C. V. Morfonios, P. A. Kalozoumis, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
Journal of Physics A 49 (2016) 195304
- Dissipative Bose-Hubbard model: Methods and examples
G. Kordas, D. Witthaut, P. Buonsante, A. Vezzani, R. Burioni, A. I. Karanikas and S. Wimberger
European Physical Journal ST, 224 (2015) 2127. Review Article.
- Entropy generation in Gaussian quantum transformations: applying the replica method to continuous-variable quantum information theory
C. N. Gagatsos, A. I. Karanikas, G. Kordas and N. J. Cerf
npj Quantum Information, 2 (2015) 15008.
- Non-equilibrium dynamics in dissipative Bose-Hubbard chains
G. Kordas, D. Witthaut and S. Wimberger
Annalen der Physik, 527 (2015) 619. Special issue: Complex Quantum Systems.
- Invariant currents in lossy acoustic waveguide with complete local symmetry
P. A. Kalozoumis, O. Richoux, F. K. Diakonos, G. Theocharis and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review B, 92 (2015) 014303.
- Invariant currents and scattering off locally symmetric landscapes
P. A. Kalozoumis, C. V. Morfonios, F. K. Diakonos and P. Schmelcher
Annals of Physics, 362 (2015) 684.
- Coherent-state path integrals in the continuum
G. Kordas, S. Mistakidis and A. I. Karanikas
Physical Review A, 90 (2014) 032104.
- Systematic pathway to PT-symmetry breaking in scattering systems
P. A. Kalozoumis, G. Pappas, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review A, 90 (2014) 043809.
- Invariants of broken discrete symmetries
P. A. Kalozoumis, C. Morfonios, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review Letters, 113 (2014) 050403.
- Local symmetry dynamics in one-dimensional aperiodic lattices
C. Morfonios, P. Schmelcher, P. A. Kalozoumis, and F. K. Diakonos
Nonlinear Dynamics 78 (2014) 71.
- Bosonic transport through a chain of quantum dots
A. Ivanov, G. Kordas, A. Komnik and S. Wimberger
European Physical Journal B, 86 (2013) 345. EPJ B Highlight.
- Decay and fragmentation in an open Bose-Hubbard chain
G. Kordas, S. Wimberger and D. Witthaut
Physical Review A, 87 (2013) 043618.
- Non-hermitian approach to decaying ultracold bosonic systems
S. Wimberger, C. A. Parra-Murillo and G. Kordas
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 442 (2013) 012029. arXiv:1310.5937
- Mutual information and Bose-Einstein condensation.
C. N. Gagatsos, A. I. Karanikas and G. Kordas
Open Systems and Information Dynamics, 20 (2013) 1350008. arXiv:1207.0303
- Local symmetries and perfect transmission in aperiodic photonic multilayers
P. A. Kalozoumis, C. Morfonios, N. Palaiodimopoulos, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review A, 88 (2013) 033857.
- Local symmetries in one-dimensional quantum scattering
P. A. Kalozoumis, C. Morfonios, F. K. Diakonos, and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review A, 87 (2013) 032113.
- Dissipation-induced macroscopic entanglement in an open optical lattice.
G. Kordas, S. Wimberger and D. Witthaut
Europhysics Letters, 100 (2012) 30007.
- Geometric-phase-propagator approach to time-dependent quantum systems
F. K. Diakonos, P. A. Kalozoumis, A. I. Karanikas, N. Manifavas, and P. Schmelcher
Physical Review A, 85 (2012) 062110.
- Decay of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a dissipative lattice - the mean-field approximation and beyond.
F. Trimborn, D. Witthaut, H. Hennig, G. Kordas, T. Geisel and S. Wimberger
European Physical Journal D, 63 (2011) 63.
- Beyond mean-field dynamics in open Bose-Hubbard chains.
D. Witthaut, F. Trimborn, H. Hennig, G. Kordas, T. Geisel and S. Wimberger
Physical Review A, 83 (2011) 063608.
- Complex time evolution of open quantum systems.
C. N. Gagatsos, A. I. Karanikas and G. Kordas
Open Systems and Information Dynamics, 18 (2011) 261.